How did it feel when Sudarshan Kriya was first revealed to you? It was just like giving birth to a long-awaited child.
Why did you observe silence for ten days? Ten days of silence and fasting was an inner calling. I had already travelled around the world. I had taught yoga and meditation. But I wasn't satisfied. I was concerned about how to help people live a happy life. I felt something was lacking. I wanted to bridge the gap between inner silence and outer expression of life. There was something lacking. So I took the vow of silence.
During the ten days of silence, the Sudarshan Kriya came like an inspiration. Nature knows what to give and when to give. After I came out of this silence, I started teaching whatever I knew and people had great experiences.
Who revealed it to you? Not somebody. I had several visions which I'll reveal at the proper time.
Source: The Times of India - Bangalore